Thursday, September 27, 2012

Where's The 100% beef patty you ask? NOW at Burger Hub.

UMD Dining services has confirmed that the burger served in the Burger Hub at the UMD food court is NOW 100% beef!
No more gluten fillers in your Burger Hub hamburger patty!   This is a huge win for the gluten intolerant!
There is a size and shape difference that you will notice from the old burger as well.

Don't forget, the Center Court Restaurant is a 100% grass fed burger and also gluten free!

I am waiting for absolute confirmation on which hamburger is used in the Dining Center... so, more to come!

Please pass along to those in your life who have celiac, gluten intolerance, gluten allergies, paleo diet consuming, etc.




    If you are reading this post independently... please look for newer posts related to this issue as there may be a change to the previously used patty that HAS gluten in it. Stay tuned for more information and ASK A MANAGER!!! Ask to see the box for the meat they are using if necessary. They are their to help you and get you the answers you need to enjoy your meal.

    Please ask!

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