“A Food Happening”
Bringing together people who love food
and want to talk about it!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Griggs Center
2:30-4:30 PM (come when you can)
Snacks provided
Presenting results of UMD Food Trends Survey by
senior Health Education Major, Judy Breuer
(3 PM)
Announcing new name for B. A. Sc. Degree in
health education – now B. A. Sc. Degree in Public Health Education and
Gathering of groups representing food
communities of UMD
- Connect with UMD staff and student groups that have interest in all things food.
- Page through the Dorm Good Food Cookbook.
- Discover how you can join the new student group BULLDOGS LIKE GOOD FOOD!
- Talk to members of our food committee on campus.
- UMD has student health coaches. HERO
- Jean Rodvold, our dietitian, will be there along with Chef Tom Linderholm from Dining Services to provide exciting taste opportunities.
- GnarFoodz
- UMD Edible Landscape Gardens
- And more...
- And, of course there is snack enjoyment!
Come, eat, talk, connect!