2 events that might pique your interest!
Come check out and learn about the new student group that, when it comes to food... "we are ALL ABOUT IT!"

Wednesday March 26th
1pm - 3:45pm
TV Lounge - Kirby KSC 273B
Join us for tea and who knows what other surprises.
(prizes.. did someone say prizes?)
And there may even be prizes!
-AND... learn more about the event below.. Growing the U.
GROWING THE U: University of MN Real Food Retreat

April 4-6
University of Minnesota - Duluth
Growing the U will be an opportunity to build community with student leaders from throughout the University of Minnesota system, cultivate a vision & plan for commitments to sustainability & justice in our campus & community food systems, and develop our leadership & organizing skills to enact our plans.
In addition to sharing meals and exploring the Duluth-area food system together, the retreat will include workshops and open time to explore:
challenges & opportunities in campus food systems
power, privilege, and oppression in the food system
strategic campaign-planning
group dynamics & facilitation
- University of Minnesota system-wide network-building
- The Real Food Calculator and Campus Commitment from the national Real Food Challenge student network
Contact katie.blanchard@gmail.com with any questions
We hope to see you soon!
--- Growing the U Planning Crew
- Saba Andualem, Judy Breuer, Caitlin Nielson - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Heidi Eger & Peter Kvale - University of Minnesota Morris
- Laura Dorle - University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Katie Blanchard & Lindsay Guthrie - Real Food Challenge